Thursday, February 23, 2023

Kinder Performance

Hudson had his kindergarten performance today. I honestly love going to these school events. I get teared up every single time without fail. I love being their mom.

I won't post all of the videos but these ones are some of my favorites.

This one is one of my favorites because there's a section of the song where the kids just clap instead of saying the words but if you watch Hudson he uses his whole face to mouth the words anyway. What a cutie!
I love this one because he has his eyes closed for the whole first half of the song and he's the only kid doing that. He's singing about something being sleepy so he's acting the part and I think it's hilarious of him. There is also a part where he rawrs really loud and doesn't realize that it was a tad too early until after the fact. It was actually a little girl near him who started that so Hudson and another kid or two joined in. The few seconds where it took him to realize what happened is forever in my mind as one of the cutest moments ever. There's something about his cute little embarrassed face that melts my heart. Goodness I love that boy.
And I'm posting this one because I realize that one day he might ask me why the first two videos I did post were of him doing things that the other kids weren't doing. But honestly I love that he was different and was completely himself. I would love to be more like him.
This video was after we were home and he wanted me to record him doing one just for us.

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