Saturday, July 27, 2024

Blue Angels

The airshow happened to be in Fargo this weekend so we found us a nice spot on Danny's new campus and watched the Blue Angels. It was cooler than I thought it would be. Makes me want to get actual tickets next time the opportunity presents itself because we all thought it was pretty neat.

Literally surrounded by flying jets and this girl is reading haha.
I love her.
Mommy and Quinnie
The kids gave a quick recap of the planes and tricks that they saw.
Someone posted these pictures in the Fargo community page. 
Their pictures are obviously a lot more impressive than mine.
Then someone else posted these. Also pretty impressive.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Sixth Yearly Birthday Letter to Grant Bean

Dear Grant,

Happy sixth birthday my boy! You're such a cute kid. You're a little firecracker with an amazing personality. You're hilarious, smart and the biggest Taylor Swift fan I know. We blame Addie for helping you get to this level of obsession over Taylor because it's not from us haha. When people come over we have to tell you to rein it in with all your Taylor Swift knowledge or else whoever is visiting won't be able to get a word in. So whoever is around you better be ready with their favorite Swift song because I'm sure you'll ask them it. You want to be an ice cream man when you grow up because in your words you'll be able to eat ice cream all day long whenever you want. You've wanted to be an ice cream man since preschool and I kind of love that two years later it's still what you want to be when you grow up. You are also obsessed with architecture and house layouts. You can spend hours looking through house layouts and examining every house patio, basement and kitchen online. Actually even when we go to someone's house you request to see a tour of it which can sometimes be a little awkward but you're so excited about it that it balances itself out. Your favorite part about vacations might be the house/hotel we're staying at. It was fun to let you in on the process of trying to find a new home when we were moving. Spoiler - you loved the house we picked out and you still do. Your main request was that we find a house with three levels. It needed an upstairs and a basement. You would choose looking at houses on zillow over sitting down and watching a tv show every time. I love you so much. You're also our little gymnast, always having to climb, hang upside down, or jump off anything you can. Hopefully we can get you into gymnastics here soon. I could go on and on about you. Know that you're our world and we'd be so lost without your energy in our home. Have the best day birthday dude.


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Happy Birthday Grant Boy

Happy birthday Grant! He's such an amazing kid and we had the best time celebrating him today. He was a little sad last night when we said we couldn't fly to San Antonio for Sea World today but he woke up as happy as can be so that was great. He was so excited to see his new bike this morning. He had to wait a couple of days to be able to ride and the wait was finally over. He picked this bike out himself which I'll write a little more about at the end of this.

Oma and Opa called to wish him a happy birthday before their temple shift started and were able to watch him open up the books they sent him.
We took some birthday pictures outside.
I love this boy.
Grant has been asking for his own camera ever since Rylee and Quinn got their own last Christmas. He was so excited to finally get his own. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Ferguson.
We took a bike ride to the neighborhood park. I'm sure we look like quite the group with five kids all on some type of wheels. We were able to play until Danny got off work and then we headed to Grant's chosen place for his birthday dinner - McDonalds. I may or may not have tried to persuade him to choose a really cool alien themed restaurant in town but no he wanted McDonalds. 
I've never heard of an indoor playground and didn't know what to expect but apparently it's exactly what the name implies. That's where we went after we were done with dinner. There are several indoor playgrounds around Fargo which I guess makes sense since the winters are so harsh you can't take your kids to an outdoor playground six months of the year. The kids loved this play area. It was mostly just us so they ran around playing tag and using every inch of this playground. Danny and I took turns walking the track on the upper lever while the other parent stayed with the kids. Before leaving Danny put on a two minute timer for Grant while he ran an obstacle course style relay trying to get to all the slides before the timer was up. It was a fun way to end our time there.
My view from the upper level track.
We then went home for cake and ice cream which was the same thing because Grant personally picked out an ice cream cake. Apparently we threw away our lighter in Texas and didn't have one to light up his candle. Grant is usually pretty easy going and was happy to just pretend but then Danny grabbed his battery operated candle and used the remote control to turn off the flame when Grant blew on it. It turned out to be a good substitution for our lighter situation.
Picture from a couple days ago when I took him to the store to hand pick out his present. For several weeks we've been asking him what he wants for his birthday and he either had no answer or he said something that one of his siblings actually wanted. We knew he wanted a camera so Danny's parents had planned on ordering that for him. Since the camera was the only thing we knew he wanted we decided to take him on a solo trip to the store where he could choose something that HE actually wanted. It was the best choice. At first he was pointing out things he should get because it would make his brother or one of his sisters happy but then he saw this bike and all that indecisiveness went away. He wanted it and we were happy to give him something he actually wanted. He was the cutest kid in the store as he stopped every single other shopper to show them his new bike. I don't know if I've ever seen a more excited kid and I hope to remember this moment forever.
My six year old 💚
Happy birthday buddy.
All About Grant Year Six
Favorite Foods - Pao de Quejio, Homemade Pizza, Taco Bell Cheesy Rollups, Dominos Pizza, Taco Pasta, Cajun Chicken and Spaghetti and Meatballs
Favorite Shows - Waterslide Youtube Videos, Dude Perfect
Favorite Movies - Baby's Day Out
Favorite Book - Blippi, Paint by Number Sticker Books
Favorite Songs - Anything by Taylor Swift
Favorite Toy - Hot Wheels
Favorite Color - Pink                               
Nicknames - Beans, Grant Boy
Loves - Swimming, Water Slides and Taylor Swift
Dislikes - Bedtime
Favorite Game - Floor is Lava, Puzzles
* Links to all other "All About Grant".
Link to All About Grant Year One
Link to All About Grant Year Two
Link to All About Grant Year Three
Link to All About Grant Year Four
Link to All About Grant Year Five