Sunday, January 22, 2017


Today at church I was talking with someone who lost her baby at 35 weeks because the cord was wrapped around the neck four times. Yes, four times. That's the same number of times that the cord was wrapped around Hudson's neck. This same person then told me about her sister in law who lost her baby at thirty weeks because the cord had a knot in it. Hudson's did as well. I held my son this night with a heart full of gratitude that he's here. 

I knew he was a miracle but today it hit me just how real the miracle truly is. He shouldn't be here today but he is and I'm forever grateful for that. It's a wonder that he even lasted 39 weeks in me. I will never regret my decision to be induced and have him one week early. Each day counted and I didn't know it. I don't know what I would do if I had to deliver a stillborn. He's my miracle baby, my little fighter. 

'For this child I have prayed'

Monday, January 9, 2017

Snow Day

Danny is finally back in school and work today after almost three weeks off. I was a little nervous to have him go back since his help has been so needed around here with Addie and Hudson. Even though I was nervous so far today has been amazing. Hudson slept for most of the night and Addie slept in until almost 10am and both of them are currently napping right now at the same time! Both kids are finally getting over their colds that they picked up from Christmas so some days (mostly nights) have been rough. We have mostly spent our days indoors as the little ones were trying to recover. It was also smarter to stay indoors since this whole last week has been snow storm after snow storm. We did feel a little bad for Addie though because she wanted to go play outside so bad. She's recently discovered the art of making snowmen and she loved it. Danny's whole family decided that they wanted to go sledding on Saturday and since Addie was starting to feel better Danny thought it would be fun to take her. I felt a little hesitant about it because I wanted her to go experience it for the first time but I also felt sad that I wouldn't be able to be part of her first time. There was no way we were going to take Hudson out in the cold so I chose to stay home with him. Saturday turned out to be a clear day with no storms except it was 8 degrees outside and then it got windy. Danny said Addie hated it. She went down the hill one time and that's all it took for her. Poor girl. She mostly spent her time sitting with either Marie or Jaina and watched everyone else go sledding. She did however like watching people go down the hill so it wasn't a total loss. I guess little Georgia also had a hard time enjoying herself. I think we'll try again on a warmer day with no wind chills and hopefully Addie will have a better experience.
Marie sent me this video of Addie.
Hudson and I liked our one on one time even though he slept through a majority of it. :) He did wake up at the end and got to join in a video call with my parents. It was their first time seeing him with his eyes open. Crazy to think that their first time meeting each other in person will be right before Hudson's first birthday.

* * * * *
The hardest part about having a winter baby is when they get sick. I mentioned that both kids got sick over Christmas break with colds. Normally a cold isn't a big deal but since Hudson is so young and little a cold can turn serious. We took him to the doctor's office (on New Year's Day) because he was very congested and his doctor sent him to the hospital to be tested for RSV and to also be suctioned out. It was sad and hard for me personally to have to deal with that. Fortunately the results came back that he was not positive for RSV which made my mommy heart happy. He has been sleeping great the last two nights and has been a happier baby. I was worried he would still be struggling with breathing on his blessing day but it looks like the worst of it is now behind us. :)

Blessing Day

Yesterday (Jan 8th) was Hudson's blessing day. Danny gave the blessing with Dave, Sam, Ty, and Grandpa Paul in the circle. Hudson was awake and calm during the whole thing. The blessing that was given to him was beautiful and perfect. 
I was able to get the cutest pictures of Hudson in his outfit. The funny thing is that we weren't planning on him wearing this outfit at first. The plan was for him to wear the suit that Danny wore as a baby on his own blessing day, but little Hudson was just a tad too big for it. He's our big boy. :) In the end I'm happy with how things turned out and that he was still super adorable on his day in his own outfit.
I also had to get a picture of just Addie and I. I never did get to take a picture with Addie on her blessing day. The sweet girl decided to have her first major blowout all over her dress, all over my skirt, and she did it during the closing sacrament prayer. Thanks kiddo.
Sadly the only picture of Addie and her dress.
Apparently Hudson's blessing day also needed to become extra memorable because he also had his first major blowout while wearing his blessing outfit. Thankfully this all happened in the evening after pictures were taken and people were gone. 

And . . . since we're on the subject of poo . . . Addie went potty and got to wear her Princess Elsa underwear for the first time last night! The life of a family with little ones. :)

Sunday, January 1, 2017

2016 Year Review

It is now 2017, a brand new year. I love that every New Year's Day brings a feeling of a clean slate. This year can become whatever we want it to be. As I take a look back at this last year I can't help but feel blessed. We had moments of hardships, blessings, miracles and fun. I'm grateful for it all.

Our 2016 . . .

JANUARY - We started out our year of dates by going to the ice castles. It was also the month that my parents officially started their mission in Europe and we got to say our goodbyes at the annual ice skating party.
FEBRUARY - We were able to attend the Provo City Temple open house. It was also a  surprisingly warm month for it being February.  
MARCH - My birthday month! The biggest highlight however was finally making a trip to Arizona to visit Danny's best friend and his family. Traveling will always be one of my passions.
APRIL - I technically got pregnant in March but it was the first of April that we found out. I was so happy to finally see that positive sign.
MAY - We decided it was time to get rid of Addie's binky. It was a sad but necessary step.
JUNE - Danny's birthday month!
JULY - The gender ultrasound revealed that we were expecting a BOY! I also went to my first concert.
AUGUST - We celebrated our third anniversary with a night out. It was our first time spending the night away from Addie and she struggled.
SEPTEMBER - Addisyn turned 2! I still can't believe she's had another birthday.
OCTOBER - With this being our last Halloween as a family of three we decided to dress up as Little Red Riding Hood, the bad wolf and the grandmother.
NOVEMBER - We spent Thanksgiving with the Fergusons and Addie was chosen for a free photo shoot. 
DECEMBER - Hudson was born!

Last year I had said that I was looking forward to Arizona, more dates with Danny, reading The Book of Mormon and making sure 2016 was full of family memories. After wanting to go to Arizona for a few years now we finally made it happen. It was really fun and I'm glad we went. Danny and I were able to do all the dates I had planned except for one. We never did go hiking but 11 out of 12 isn't bad. I read The Book of Mormon this year in Portuguese and Danny finished the Doctrine and Covenants. Our biggest family memory this year would definitely be adding Hudson to our lives.

At the beginning of last year I was beginning to lose hope that we'd end 2016 as a family of four. But our sweet bundle of joy came just in time. :) 
*   *   *
This year we look forward to Danny's graduation from UVU and applying this fall to grad school. We made commitments as a ward to read The Book of Mormon as a couple as well as individually, so instead of starting the Old Testament like I thought I would I will be reading The Book of Mormon again which is fine. Hopefully Addie will be potty trained this year and I'm looking forward to Hudson reaching all the fun milestones. We also plan on going on our biggest trip so far as a family to California and as of right now Danny might also be taking a trip to Portland to do a presentation. Bring on 2017.

2015 Year Review
2014 Year Review