Wednesday, May 11, 2022


We've been hit with the sick bug once again. Addie and Grant mentioned a sore throat and runny nose but nothing too rough. Quinn was the first to really feel knocked down. We noticed that she was teething and working on her molars so we knew that could be a big part of why she was particularly fussy. Then on Thursday the 3rd after Addie's Cinderella play we noticed that Rylee was starting to feel warm. We could see that she was starting to get her molars as well and figured she would be feeling the same as how Quinn has been feeling. We put both girls to bed and then went through our bedtime routine with the older three. After they were in bed we could see that Rylee was struggling in her bed and could not settle down. After a while of continually going in and out of her room to get both babies to sleep we figured we better pull Rylee out of her room to try again after a little bit. We took Rylee upstairs and noticed that by this time Rylee was feeling hot. The scary part came when she suddenly started gasping for air and couldn't get it. She was so congested and we knew she was having a really hard time breathing. She couldn't take her binky or bottle without losing oxygen because the second she tried sucking on either of those she wasn't able to breathe through her nose. We knew from our experience with Hudson as a baby that she'd need to be suctioned out so that she could breathe. I buckled her up and drove to the ER. As I was driving I could hear her taking gasps for air. It was kind of scary. I got her to the ER and she hated every second of it. She did not want to be there at all. Her first smile came when the nurse and doctor left the room. The nurse suctioned out her airways and the doctor gave me his personal number and said to just continue watching her from home. He said he was ruling out croup or RSV and sent us on our way. By this time it was super late and the whole time Danny was at home dealing with Quinn. We thought that by pulling Rylee out Quinn would be able to sleep but it was the exact opposite. Quinn didn't settle down until she knew that Rylee was back and in the same room as her. 

It was 2am by the time Rylee was back and asleep in her own crib. Once the girls were back together they both fell asleep. By this point I'm super exhausted and ready to sleep the rest of the night but at 3am Grant is waking both Danny and I up because he had a nightmare. We quickly helped him out and got back into bed when at 5am Quinn was up and struggling. We fell back asleep at 6am only to be up after 7am to get Addie up for school. It was a rough night. Both girls continued to struggle that day with non stop coughing and crying so we took them into see their pediatrician who was appalled that the ER would send us home so quickly without treating them for croup. She listened to the girls and officially diagnosed them with croup and said this was something that wasn't even hard to miss. She also noted their molars and said the girls are having a double whammy because teething is already hard for them and they have croup on top of that. They were both given steroids to help with their lungs and we thought we'd be on the up and up health wise in our home and then Friday hit us. 

Addie had a violin performance this week and I had to take the girls. This was poor Quinn's face. Her eyes were so red and puffy from all her coughing.

Hudson was acting off and by noon said he was going to take a nap. This kid has not taken a nap in years and I thought that he was kidding at first until five minutes after I went to check in on him and he was knocked out in his bed. He slept for a couple hours and was feeling better when he woke up but by night time was complaining of feeling sick again. He fell asleep before we were even done with saying prayers. The next morning he was supposed to go to his swim lessons followed by a haircut appointment but he was feeling very off. He could barely move from the couch so I told him he would stay home this morning and that I would reschedule his haircut for when he's feeling better. Hudson took another nap and when I tried to wake him up he was barely responsive. Eventually he got out of bed but by dinner time Hudson was feeling super hot and when we took his temperature it read 103 degrees. The on call nurse told us that if he was acting lethargic at all that he definitely needed to be seen. That's when Danny realized that Hudson hadn't peed since the day before and was super dehydrated. Hudson chose me to take him to urgent care. The doctor fell in love with Hudson. He was being the sweetest boy even though he felt like garbage. At the start of the visit they took his temperature and it read 102.7 but then before leaving the doctor asked if we could have his temperature taken again. She wanted to make sure that his temperature had gone down after taking Tylenol. Instead of going down it read 103.7 so she didn't like that. Hudson tested negative for strep, covid and RSV and they determined that just like his sisters he also has croup. Poor boy. He could barely keep his eyes open and was falling asleep the whole time we were there. He was given a steroid to help him and finally we were sent on our way. It's been a long week but now everyone is starting to feel more like themselves again. We stayed home this Mother's Day instead of visiting family in Mapleton just to make sure that no one else was effected by us but today Hudson was well enough to return to school and the babies are back to being cheery and happy with new teeth and less congestion. 

He was so out of it he couldn't even finish a little sucker or juice.

Asleep before lights were out.

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