Friday, May 27, 2022

Last Day of School!

Addie's last day of school was today! She only had school for two hours so technically the last full day was yesterday. Ms. Ward surprised her kids with a slideshow video she made of their year together and then emailed all the parents a copy of it so I'll include that here. After their video they got ready for their dance number.

The whole school put on a Dance Festival for all the families and it was the coolest thing to watch. They started with the kindergarten classes and then once those kids left the field the first graders entered and this continued on through sixth grade. I already wrote about this a little in the last post with all the year end activities but I loved it so much. It made me sad to think that Addie won't be returning here and that Hudson won't get to experience it at all. Provost is such a good school and we've had the best experience. Addie made the best friends and I hope they get to see each other a lot this summer before everything changes and we move to Texas. It's a big change and Addie was a little sad today knowing she won't get to see Ms. Ward everyday with the other kids in her class. I decided to treat everyone and we went straight to McDonald's (Addie's choice) for lunch where they all got to choose their own ice cream shake as dessert after their food. We then invited Addie's friend Bella over for a few hours to play. First grade is officially complete and we're jumping right into summer!

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