Sunday, May 8, 2022

Mother's Day 2022

I got sleep in this morning a little later than normal which is always a great start to Mother's Day. I was woken up by all five kids and Danny telling me breakfast was ready. After we ate I was given some gifts by them. Grant gave me a dinosaur toy of his. Hudson gave me his old turtle pillow and Addie gave me some school gifts plus an art craft she made last night. Danny fixed my necklace that I had gotten last year on Mother's Day. When asked what I had wanted I had told I just wanted that necklace fixed and he did it. My traditional Mother's Day videos came later in the day but first I went to church with Addie and Grant. Hudson has been really sick and the twins are getting over croup so they stayed home to nap. It was so nice because the three of us actually make it to church on time. It's been awhile since we've been there on time to partake the sacrament. The kids thought it was cool that we sat near the front on the soft benches. We usually sit in the very back. Addie and Grant got up and sang with the primary kids and youth and it was really cute to watch them. This was Grant's first time up there since joining primary as a sunbeam. He didn't really sing but he waved and sported a big cheesy smile up there. Addie knew all the words and when done she walked hand in hand with Grant back to our bench. I was missing the rest of my family but did also think "wow two kids would be so easy" haha.
After church we went home and Dad took all the kids one by one for their interview video. This is always one of my top favorite traditions. There was a moment where I wasn't sure it was going to happen because Addie got upset that Grant went first and Hudson wasn't feeling good and would barely move from the couch. We weren't even going to push him but when he saw that the others were outside doing it he grabbed a jacket and went outside. Although you can hear him in the background of one of the videos crying over something. I had told Danny not to even worry about it this year but he pulled everyone together and they all made it happen for me. I'm thankful they all did. I love these videos. It's not even about what they say that makes it the best. It's their little voices. We started doing this when Addie was three years old and I get to look back at how much she's changed and grown over these years. Sometimes their answers are spot on and sometimes they surprise me from left field and I love them all. I'm never sure what to expect but these videos always turn into personal gems for me. This year Danny interviewed the twins for the first time.The video of Rylee nodding her head was adorable and the part where Quinn is bouncing the chair that it almost tips is not surprising at all. I love their little faces. We all watched the videos as a family. I had no idea some of the chickens would be recorded but it was hilarious and the kids especially loved that part. The only chicken missing was Lucy. Apparently she was sun bathing in the garden dirt so they didn't disturb her.

We then had dinner made by Danny. I had requested wild rice and chicken soup. We have never made this before. We ate it for the first time a couple of weeks ago when I was sick and Danny came home that evening with soup. It was one of the best soups ever and I kept talking about it so Danny attempted to replicate it. It turned out really good. He says it didn't taste like the original one we had but we both really liked how it turned out. Danny also made macaroni and cheese for the kids who didn't want soup. 

If the kids had all been healthy we would have gone to Mapleton to see Danny's family. Everyone else was there and we had planned on surprising Donna with a date for family pictures. All the kids pitched in for the photographer and we were going to let Donna pick the color scheme she'd like us to use. The last time we did family pictures with them Addie was barely a year old. It's definitely been awhile and they could really use an updated picture before we move to Texas.

Speaking of Texas, I finally told my mom today that we would be moving. She seemed happy for us. It's the first time we've talked on the phone in awhile. I told her that we'd have to see her before the summer ends. She hasn't met three of my kids. Grant and the twins have never been there and she's never been down. Mother's Day is interesting because I absolutely love being a mom and it makes me feel sad for the life my own mom has and the strained relationships she has with her children. It does make me appreciate motherhood even more and I will happily choose it over and over again. My Dad and step mom are in Germany right now. They got there this weekend and will be there for three weeks. The next time I see them will be at our family vacation and I can't wait for that.

Today was an awesome day. I got to spend it with my six favorite people and I wouldn't change a thing about it.

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