Friday, May 27, 2022


I recently read online that May or as she called Maycember can feel busier than December (just without any presents). I totally get it. This month has been full of end of year activities but I absolutely love it. Danny thinks it's crazy how many different things there were but I'm all for it. I can't even count how many times I got teary eyed watching Addie during all these events. I feel like every week I was taking the little kids to her school to watch her perform in one way or another. Grant and the babies especially did so well sitting still through it all. It mostly always happened while Hudson was in school but he also did so well during the times that he came along too. Danny came to the very last one for Addie's part in the school dance festival and then he left for BYU. Addie was so excited that he came for a bit though. I can't believe the school year is over. Provost has been the best experience with Ms. Ward as her teacher. I'm so glad she had a good time and stayed safe while there.

May 3rd - Cinderella Assembly Play (Has it's own separate post)

Even though I've already talked about this day I'm including it because we were emailed the full video of their play so I'm putting that here. Sadly you can't hear Addie very well. She's my sweet soft talker I guess.

May 5th - Violin Performance

Addie has been learning the violin this year at Provost and today did a little showcase of some things she has learned. This happened during the week that we were dealing with the babies having croup so I kept them contained in their strollers the whole time and busy with snacks. They did so well and I was so happy that I was able to watch Addie do something she wants to take further lessons on.

May 11th - Dance

Watching her whole class express through body movement was really cool. One of Addie's friends mom is the dance teacher and this was her first year implementing a dance class for Provost. Addie loved it. She's embarrassed whenever I point this out but her little dance partner was a boy named Dean who I think she has a crush on. She smiles every time she talks about him and at her Great Brain presentation she called on him first every time his hand went up. We like to tease her but he's a cute kid and her really good friend.

May 13th - Provost Spring Festival (Has it's own separate post)

This has its own post already but it was such a fun day that the whole family enjoyed.

May 19th - First Grade Performance

My eyes welled up with tears here. I still can't believe I have a first grader and here she is almost done with it. I was very emotional as I watched my girl up there. At the end they held up signs with their dream job on it and Addie's read Zoologist. She kept that as a surprise for me. I love her so much.

May 20 - Field Day

I may or may not have snuck these photos of her. For field day the kids were all asked to bring hats because of the sun but then the morning of it turned out to be kind of cold and not sunny at all. Addie still wanted to take her hat but then forgot it before heading out. So I packed up the kids and ran to her school to drop off her purple hat. I found her on the field with a pink hat on that she was wearing from a friend who lent it to her when Addie realized she had left hers at home. I got her attention as I waved to her (and hopefully embarrassed her just a tiny bit in front of her friends). She later told me she was glad I brought her the hat and I'm glad I got a tiny glimpse into her field day. She said she had so much fun.

May 27 - School Dance Festival

This was one of my favorite events of it all. The whole school was part of it. We got there early to get a good spot. There were so many parents and grandparents there supporting these kids. They started with the kindergarten classes and moved up their way to sixth grade who ended it with a really cool dance evolution dance. All of the dances were really cool actually. I got emotional with the kindergarteners which was crazy because I didn't even have a child in that class. It made me sad to realize though that Hudson would have been doing that next year if we were staying in Utah. The first graders did a Mexican Hat dance and I loved that Addie got paired with her little crush Dean. Although she would deny it but oh well I'm the one here typing this up haha. I wish I had gotten a picture with them together because they are the cutest little buddies.

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