Thursday, January 31, 2019


After learning about how even Jesus was baptized Addie informed us that when she turns eight she's going to be bath-tized too. But at the splash pad. :)

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Friday, January 25, 2019

Wishes for Grant

Baby bean is halfway til one! I absolutely love that he is in our family. He was so needed. He still brings an undeniable peace to our home. He says mama, is getting really good at sitting, blows raspberries, gives kisses and loves to laugh. He will let anyone hold him as long as I am in his sight. He doesn't like it when I leave the room and will cry to let everyone know about it. I'm definitely his favorite person in the world and I love it. He hasn't shown any interest in crawling and hardly ever rolls over. He knows how but doesn't care to. He does love to sit though and has great balance. He's going through a phase where his naps aren't that great and his nights are always a gamble on how much sleep we both will get. He slept better as a newborn for sure. It all started when we transitioned him into his crib and then that was followed by him getting sick with RSV/Bronchiolitis. His amazing sleeping skills haven't fully returned but that's okay. He loves snuggles, being held and playing peek a boo and patty cake. Addie ADORES him and Hudson is starting to interact with him more and more. As for Danny and I we are both completely smitten with him. Grant baby we sure love you.

At six months Danny and I have written our "hopes" for both Addie and Hudson and we have done the same for Grant. We try to do this without looking at our previous hopeful letters that we did for the older two and have found that sometimes some of our thoughts are similar to what we have said before. Basically we just want the best for our kids.

I hope that you – know how much you are needed in our lives.
I hope you aren’t afraid – to try new things. I hope you aren't afraid to get out of your comfort zone and explore all possibilities. 
I hope you love – every season you're in throughout life. This is something I have to try hard at and I hope it comes easy for you.
I hope you laugh – at things that bring joy. Laugh loudly and proudly and others will join in on the moment.
I hope you never forget – your values. I hope others know and don't forget your values as well.
I hope you ignore – naysayers. Don't believe in words that come from people who do not believe in you.
I hope you become – an observant young man with people around you. Be aware of how others are feeling in different situations. Help others feel comfortable when they need it but are hesitant to express it.
I hope you respect – your teachers.
I hope you grow – spiritually. Don't shy away from being vulnerable with the spirit and our Heavenly Father.

I hope that you – grow strong.
I hope you aren’t afraid – of giving it your all.
I hope you love – our Heavenly Father and this world He created for you.
I hope you laugh – at your mistakes.
I hope you never forget – that you are my son and I love you.
I hope you ignore – what other people think of you.
I hope you become – a loving, caring man who will do anything for his family.
I hope you respect – all women, and everyone who is doing their best.
I hope you grow – your hair out at least once in your life. You'll never know when it goes away. Like your dad's. 
Happy six months Bean!
Link to Addie's wishes from us.
Link to Hudson's wishes from us.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Uncle Mike

On New Years Eve I got news that I instantly knew was bad. I just didn't know who it was about. I was rocking Grant to sleep and the other two were already in bed when I got a missed call from my dad. I always ignore calls when I'm putting the baby down and thought I'll just call him in a second. I did think it was a little strange because it was a little late for a phone call. At this point it was somewhere around nine forty five at night. Soon after I got another missed call but this time it was from my brother Jacob. That's when I first felt that something was wrong. Yes it was a holiday and one where it's very normal and even expected for people to stay awake until midnight but I still felt that this wasn't a happy holiday chat waiting to happen. I sent a message to Danny telling him that I got missed calls and that I was feeling a little bit nervous about it. At first Danny assured me that it probably wasn't anything serious. I then got a text message from my brother Lamoni asking if I had talked to our dad and that's when my suspicions were confirmed that something had happened to someone in the family. While I was messaging Lamoni I then heard again from Danny and this time he told me that my dad had also called him and told him that he had hard news to share but wanted us both together so to call him back once I was out after getting Grant to sleep.

I could have walked out of Grant's room right then but I didn't. Instead I stayed in the nursery rocking my baby for the next forty five minutes just sitting with my thoughts before I went out to make that phone call back to my dad. My thoughts were all over the place as I sat and thought of all the different scenarios and who it could possibly be about. The truth is that I wasn't surprised that something had happened. It is very very likely that I'll be getting a few hard calls in this new year alone. I knew that it wasn't my brother Jacob because he had attempted to call me and it wasn't Lamoni either. I worried that it could have been Pollyanna because we are always in contact and I hadn't heard from her yet. I worried that it could be my mom and that something had happened to her. I thought of Ammon and what possible trouble he could have found himself in as well as my other brother Moroni. The two people that I thought of the most however was my brother Abe and my sister Camila. Both are not doing great health wise and will likely not live long lives. I'll explain more about Camila in a future blog post. I finally got the courage to walk out and discover which of my family members the news was about.

It wasn't about anyone that I had just spent the last forty five minutes thinking of. It was my Uncle Mike. He had passed away after a freak accident. He had spent the day skiing with his family when he lost control after swerving out of someone's way and found himself hitting a tree. He died on impact at the ski resort with his family there. He was just two weeks away from leaving to serve a mission with my aunt Kendra in the Philippines for our church. He's now serving a different kind of mission on the other side. When I first heard the news I wasn't sure what to feel. I felt sad for his family. I felt peace because I know where his righteous life has led him. I also felt like I was given a second chance to spend more time with the people I thought of because they are still here and alive. It was a unique situation because since I had ignored the calls I was able to sit and prepare myself to receive the news instead of being completely shocked had I just answered the phone when it first rang. I also felt grateful that my last interaction with my Uncle Mike was just days before Christmas at the family party where we were able to congratulate him and talk to him about his call to the Philipines. That's the country that Danny had served in and it was now a cool connection they would both have. He may not have a physical name tag on his chest right now but he is definitely being a representative of Jesus Christ where he is at now.

Uncle Mike I love you and I know that your adventurous legacy will live on.
Family picture at Mike's funeral.

Some screenshots of the messages between Lamoni and I that night we found out.

Screenshots of the messages between Danny and I as I sat rocking Grant in the baby's room.

Pictures of Mike participating in the pyramid at our wedding reception.
Pictures of Mike during one of our many river rafting trips.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2018 Year Review

I thought 2017 was tough but 2018 came around to try to prove to me just how strong we could be. We had some hard moments for sure. A lot of uncertainty happened especially at the beginning of the year but absolutely every single one of our trials turned out okay. I can say I am happy with how it ended. Our biggest highlight and blessing is undeniably bringing Grant into our family. He's the perfect baby and is so loved. It turns out that my soul really needed him. I love where we're at and I love the family I have.

JANUARY - Addie became a Sunbeam and she loves church. We also did our traditional ice skating activity and also had a family outing checking out Jurassic Quest for the first time. A historic thing also happened within our church when a new prophet (President Russell M. Nelson) was sustained.
FEBRUARY - We found out that Baby Bean was a boy! We also celebrated Valentine's Day with a five senses theme. 
MARCH - Hudson was sick with Bronchiolitis so we tried to enjoy the evenings by the lake whenever we felt like he was feeling well enough and needed the fresh air.
APRIL - We went on a vacation to Vernal, Ut. It was fun. The day we came back we also went and bought ourselves a new family vehicle. Danny was accepted into BYU's PhD program! That blessing alone took away a lot of stress we were feeling.
MAY - We finally announced on social media that we were expecting our baby and that he would be here in nine weeks. I also finally shared with others that Baby Bean was diagnosed with Pyelectasis.
JUNE - Danny's birthday month and Father's Day! We also moved from Orem to Provo.
JULY - We experienced our first Stadium of Fire backyard show at our new place and Baby Bean was born and named Grant! We LOVE him!
AUGUST - Five years of marriage!
SEPTEMBER - Addisyn turned 4! We celebrated by going to the zoo and having an Owlette party. She also started preschool and Danny officially started school at BYU. Baby Bean was also blessed.
OCTOBER - We did our annual family theme costume and this year we went with Danny's idea and did Jurassic Park. I love Halloween. 
NOVEMBER - I made Danny take a picture with me sporting his BYU hat while I rooted for the Utah Utes. He wasn't very thrilled about it. :) 
DECEMBER - Hudson turned 2! It was his golden birthday.

In last year's review I said that I was looking forward to hearing back about Danny's grad school program, updating our family vehicle, finding a place to live and welcoming our new baby. All of those things were all answers to our prayers and helped relieve so much stress. Danny got accepted into BYU and we found out the day that we went to Baby Bean's ultrasound with his specialist where we found out about his kidneys. We went on a great mini vacation to Vernal and then came home and bought ourselves a minivan. We found a place in Provo where we are now living and it has been a great place for our family of five. Danny and I finished the Book of Mormon on New Year's Eve and I also finished the Old Testament.

*     *     *

This year I'm looking forward to our family vacation to Bear Lake and Yellowstone. I also plan on not being pregnant haha and reaching my personal fitness goals. I'm also excited for Danny to finish his first year of grad school! I also make it a goal to finish the Book of Mormon every year so I'd like to continue doing that as well as studying the Come Follow Me (New Testament) study guide as a family. 2019 is going to be great and I can't wait to create new family memories.

2017 Year Review