Sunday, January 1, 2023

2022 Year Review

This year was huge for us. It was huge for Danny! We are so proud of him. His years of hard work has paid off and led us to where we are now today. Danny I love you, thank you for one of the greatest years yet.

As good and life changing as this year was it did still come with some lows and losses. We lost two very special people (Grandma Rueckert and Camila) and we gained two new little angels (Skylar and Thomas) plus a new sister in law (Aide). 

JANUARY - Crazy to think that on January of last year I was huge and pregnant and on January of this year I had two almost one year olds. Grant became a sunbeam and graduated from nursery. He was so ready for that. Addie also got glasses, although she barely ever wears them anymore these days.
FEBRUARY - We celebrated Valentine's day early just because we wanted to. The biggest thing was the twins turning ONE! We loved celebrating their first birthday with a Twinkle Twinkle Little Star theme.
MARCH - This year was our first encounter with possibly a leprechaun. I have a feeling it won't be our last. I turned 33 and we celebrated with a nice Saturday in Park City. Addie presented on her Great Brains project.
APRIL - We released Addie's butterflies. This month was very busy for Addie. She learned how to ride a bike and she had so many school events in this month alone. The biggest one was her Cinderella play. The kids began swim lessons. The biggest event was that Danny was offered a job in Texas! The kids also had a grandkid day put on by my parents.
MAY - Grant got accepted into BYU's preschool program! We had to turn it down but it was fun that he got into it. Addie had a final Cinderella play at her school. Just like in April Addie had another busy month at school with seven different events going on. The twins were so good about being dragged everywhere. Hudson and Grant both graduated from preschool and Addie had her last day of school at Provost. This month ended with the sad passing of three of our chickens. It was a hard goodbye.
JUNE - This month was huge for Danny. First off, he turned 33! We ate at his favorite place, Wingers. He defended his dissertation and officially became Dr. Daniel Ferguson. We announced to everyone that we were moving. We celebrated Father's day and then we had a fun vacation with my side of the family in St. George.
JULY - We officially signed a lease for a house in New Braunfels, TX. We celebrated the 4th with a parade, friends, and lots of family. Danny flew to Minnesota for a conference. Addie and I got in one last girl's night with Jill and Georgia before we moved. Grant Bean turned FOUR! We partied with a paw patrol water party and spent his day with butterflies. We made sure Hudson was officially Kindergarten ready. My Grandma Rueckert returned to Heaven where she was eager to be. We said goodbye to our loved ones and home.
AUGUST - We moved to Texas! We explored Danny's new campus. Found ways to stay sane until our moving truck arrived. We met Addie's and Hudson's new teachers. We had the coolest experience at Bobcat Stadium. We went to the beach for the first time in Texas. We received our family pictures that we had taken in June. Danny and I celebrated our nine year anniversary with the kids. Addie and Hudson had their first day of school! Addie is now a second grader and Hudson is in Kindergarten. Grant had a hard time with his older siblings being gone so we took him on a glass bottom boat tour.
SEPTEMBER - Rylee and Quinn joined nursery! They hated it at first. Grant got accepted into preschool at Clear Springs. He LOVES it. Addie turned EIGHT! The two of us got to fly to Utah for my brother's wedding and she loved having her birthday back in Utah. It was such a special time for the both of us.
OCTOBER - Addie was baptized! My parents flew in for the occasion and were able to see our new place. The kids got their school pictures back. I can't believe I have three kids in school. Hudson gained some confidence with being in the pool. I did a third series of Grant and costumes and it's possibly the last year of it. It turned out really cute. Our family theme was Toy Story and I loved how perfect it was for the kids. This was our first Halloween in Texas and it turned out great. Addie was also awarded the Stallion of the first nine weeks of school.
NOVEMBER - My sister Camila passed away after years of suffering from HDL2. I kept myself busy with her obituary and funeral details and dealt with the new reality of grief. We also celebrated Thanksgiving with good friends which was nice since we didn't have family around.
DECEMBER - Hudson turned SIX! He's still the sweetest kid ever. We started using our new Sea World's pass and went twice. Felix found us in Texas which the kids were worried that he wouldn't. The kids met Santa and even the Grinch. Addie had a second grade performance and we had our first Christmas here in Texas.

At the beginning of last year I had said that I was excited to see where Danny's schooling takes him. We didn't know if he was even going to graduate early or not. It was four years into his five year program so the possibility of us staying at BYU for another year was very real and honestly comforting. I was able to picture Hudson joining Addie at Provost, and hoping that Grant would get into the BYU preschool program. It felt comfortable and it felt safe. I was also excited about the possibility of moving and taking steps forward in our next phase of life. I didn't know if we would be living in Washington State or near the tip of Maine. I was also really looking forward to our big family vacation because I wanted the kids to have those special family memories in case we did move away from aunts, uncles and cousins. I was looking forward to hitting personal goals and looked forward to see if Addie would choose to be baptized in our church. Everything turned out exactly how it was supposed to. Danny found out in April about the job offer and it became official when he did graduate with his PhD. We moved to Texas after having such a blast with family during our vacation. We got settled and we've made this new place feel like home. I feel good about where I'm at in my fitness journey and Addie had a beautiful baptism.

*     *     *
This year I'm excited to continue with my fitness goals. We also have financial goals which include having the van paid off in the next 15 months. We're actually hoping even sooner than that but we'll see. This year will be our ten year anniversary and I'm hoping that we'll be able to celebrate it in a special way. I've had an idea that I've been working since the beginning of our marriage and I'm hoping to have it put together as a gift for Danny. He has no idea about it and I'm excited to see this vision I have come to life somehow. I'm looking forward to taking a trip this year. I usually have an idea of what that would look like but so far I have no idea. I'm leaning towards mostly exploring Texas while we're here but if it's possible I'd love to go to Louisiana since it's the closest state to us. Grant will be a kindergartner this fall which is crazy to me. I'll have three gone all day in school and it will be just the twins and I. I'm looking forward to taking full advantage of that time with just them since life moves by so fast and in a blink of an eye they will also be gone in school all day. I'm also looking forward to starting our second year in Texas. If a job becomes available than great but I'm really content with the idea of not moving just yet. I would love to end the year of 2023 still living in good ol' Texas.

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